Isometric Studio

Free the Science

Free the Science

Visual IdentityPublicationWebsite


Identity for capital campaign to make peer-reviewed scientific research freely available


Democratizing Scientific Discovery

Free the Science is a campaign initiated by the Electrochemical Society to make peer-reviewed publishing available for free, giving scientists and the public open access to revolutionary research imperative to the future of our planet. Through custom typography incorporating electrochemical symbols, the design contextualizes scientific study within larger stories of its impact on medicine, communications, infrastructure, and energy.

Making science’s large-scale impact visible

We often work with institutions involved in rigorous behind-the-scenes work whose impact is difficult to demonstrate to a general audience. The Electrochemistry Society’s challenge was to explain why scientific research needs to be made freely-available without exorbitant pay walls. To put the importance of scientific research in context, we employed lyrical imagery and incisive copywriting to connect electrochemical research with its wide-scale impact on the quality of human life.

